
You may have seen a couple of articles in the local media recently regarding a proposed development in James Bay (on a site that is currently a parking lot bordered by Quebec, Montreal and Kingston Streets). The articles mention that once it is built the new building will include a day care run by a non-profit, and a meeting spot for JBCP.

To avoid any confusion I’d like to clarify the following. All JBCP’s current services will continue operating from our current location at 547 Michigan Street. The day care in the new building referred to in the articles will not be provided by JBCP. The developer has offered a meeting spot in the proposed building for James Bay Community Project to use free of charge for program activities and for meetings. This space will be in addition to the space we currently use in our own building, not a replacement for any of it. Arrangements have not been finalized, and obviously it will be some time before the building is built and ready for use, as the plans for the new development have only just been passed by the City of Victoria.

If you have any questions about this please call me at 250 388-7844 Ext. 311 or email me at kkennish@jbcp.bc.ca.


Warm Regards,

Kaye Kennish, JBCP Executive Director