
Primary funding for the Project is from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Province of BC, United Way of British Columbia, United Way of Southern Vancouver Island, Island Health Authority, and our many other funding partners and the community at large.

Primary Funding for the Project

We are grateful for the support of the Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD) and the United Way, without which the James Bay Community Project could not continue to serve so many community members in so many ways.

We also gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia. 

We would like to thank and acknowledge the City of Victoria. The Project is a recipient of a permissive tax exemption from the City of Victoria in relation to its property tax.

Funding for the JBCP Family Resource Centre comes from:
  • Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) 
  • Health Canada – CAP-C (Community Action Plan for Children)
  • Times Colonist Literacy Fund
  • ColdStar Freight Systems (food donations)
  • Island Health – Community Wellness Grant
  • Short-term grants: ColdStar Freight, Capital Daily Fund, The Gift of Good Food, Sarah Spencer Foundation, The Order of St. John, BC Farmer’s Market Coupon Program, Harbourside Rotary, United Way (via FGCA).
  • Donations and fundraising
  • Sponsorship
Community Support

All profits from our thrift store – the Community Closet – support programs at the James Bay Community Project. We appreciate your donations of clothing to the Community Closet, and your patronage of the store. The Community Closet is also grateful to local consignment stores Turnabout and the Velvet Crease for their weekly in-kind donations.

Donors 2023-2024

Bruce Chambers

Estate of Willian David English

Coast Capital Savings & Credit Union

Rory McAlpine

George Jamieson

Jacqui Tacon*

Catharine Brouwer-Read

Rebecca McAlpine*

Gwendolyn Joyce

Mary O’Donoghue

Bryan McNeil

Julia Shaw

Barbara & Paul Best

Philip Calvert

Jennifer Causton

Lauren Clavora

Lynda Cronin

Margaret Doyle

Paul Green

John Hall

Sheila Hartling

Dolores Heeley

Peter Jong

Alan Marcus

Olivia Tarasewicz

Marj Welch

Sylvia Austin

Elissa Bergman

Judith Blackwell

Elizabeth Brereton

Geraldine Bulosan

Gregor Campbell

Robert Carlen

Linda Carlson

Andrea Chan

Irene Clavora

Alyx Clavora

Yvonne Curry

Malcolm Foy

Brian Jones

Keith Kroeker

Grace Lore

Pauline MacKenzie

Evelyn Macpherson

Donald Mason

Sandra McDonald

Susan McLauchlan

Margaret Murphy

Diana Nguyen

Mary J. Norton

Chulhun Park

Elizabeth Peck

Emily Peltier

Derek Pope

Randall Romanin

Winifred Sewell

Melvyn Smith

Kathy St. John

Richard Stursberg

Jane Taylor

John Thomson

Arleigh Trail

Cameron Turner

Catherine van Mossel

Maria van Sloun

Adele Vernon

Sharon Wiener

Dev Yadav

Deanna Young*

Barbara Armstrong

Paul Battin

Eleanor Beam

Jo-Anne Beeren-Parsons

Lorraine Campbell

Landa Crockatt

James Deitch

Catherine Fulton

Eric Hoffman

Sabine Laubental

Barbara Marshall

Robert Mason

Garth Mayhew

Pat Mcguire

Alexander McKerracher

Richard Morgan

Linda Olsen

Norma Pelikan

Warren Perks*

Michele Phillips

Vladimir Raivitch

Robin & Chris Rohrmoser

Susanne Rosebrock

Herrie ten Cate

Joanne Thibault

Michael Utgaard

Ruth Wall

Richard Warkentin

Donna White

Meah Wojno

Katelyn Wylie

Mona Yuan

*In-Kind Donations

Thank you!

We deeply value and appreciate our many private donors and anonymous donors who respond so generously to our fundraising campaigns and who donate spontaneously throughout the year.

Your generous support helps sustain our work throughout the year so we can continue to provide vital services to your community.

For our fiscal year (April 2023-March 2024) Anonymous Donors collectively gave over $66,000!

Though unnamed, your generosity over this past year has made a huge impact for those in our community.

On behalf of our clients and program participants, thank you so much for doing your part to build a community of connected, resilient people.

Help us build a healthy, inclusive community in James Bay and beyond.