“Immunization is the strongest defense against preventable diseases,” Dr. Anne Pham-Huy, Chair of Immunize Canada.

Did you know?

Ongoing research helps us learn more about medical conditions which means that vaccine recommendations will be updated over time as new evidence and findings are made.


As your health changes throughout your lifetime, you may become eligible for other vaccines to help protect your health.

Speak with your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or local public health office about the immunizations you and your family need to protect your future and stay healthy.

Protect your future. Get immunized! 

About Immunize Canada | https://immunize.ca
  • Immunize Canada is a national coalition of non-governmental, professional, health, government and private sector organizations with a specific interest in promoting the understanding and use of vaccines recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI).
About Vaccine Ambassadors | https://vaccineambassadors.org
  • Vaccine Ambassadors’ vision is a world where every person has access to life-saving vaccines regardless of income or country of residence. Its mission is working with partners to achieve equitable access and uptake of life-saving vaccines for everyone—one vaccine at a time, one community at a time.